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Welcome to Hungry Cutters!  We are an internet based company whose mission is to sell quality toys for young children that promote fine motor development.  


Our toys have been designed and engineered by Ralph Schrader, a pediatric occupational therapist with over 20 years experience helping children of all ages.  After years of working with children and constantly thinking to himself  "what if they made a toy that....?", Ralph decided to put his ideas into action and created Hungry Cutter Scissor Magnets. This was his first tool to help children understand the concept of opening /closing scissors, and also promote a "thumb's up" position while cutting. Since then, Ralph has designed various tools and games such as mini-scissors, tongs, tweezers, his fun Apple Picking Tree, Beekeeper game, and Oopsie Daisy! - all to promote scissor skills and other fine motor skills needed in the classroom.  Our toys are used by parents, educators, and therapists working with children at home or in the classroom.  


We hope you are as enthusiastic about fine motor growth as we are!  Welcome aboard!

Feel free to follow us on Instagram (@hungrycutters) and Facebook ( for interesting and innovative ways to use our toys at home or in the classroom.  

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